This is a treatment aimed at dealing with issues of overall wear and tear of the teeth. Over a period of time teeth may wear down due to several reasons. This is usually considered to be an age-related process, which isn’t entirely true. Wear and tear of teeth typically occurs due to the jaw muscles becoming hyperactive which through a series of events eventually cause friction between the upper and lower teeth leading to their breakdown. This process is slow and hence can take several years, even decades to cause either a functional or cosmetic disadvantage. However, advanced situations do occur occasionally in younger adults in their late thirties and early forties as well. The wear and tear though slow initially, can progress extremely rapidly in the later stages leading to issues of sensitivity, pain, increased incidence of cavities, loss of teeth, discomfort in chewing, jaw pain, muscle tenderness, headaches, migraines, and of course a cosmetic disadvantage due to smaller broken teeth.
In a full mouth rehabilitation treatment, the entire mouth is treated with the intention of prolonging the life of the existing teeth, replacing any missing teeth but most importantly aimed at the muscles so that future wear and tear does not occur.